
From :

Wagon. A cranky contary female / an ugly female. She\'s some wagon eh?

wagon. wagon - an awful woman. than one is such a wagon!

wagon. a woman thats a bitch. dat ones a right wagon.

Wagon. A cantankerous old woman.. Yer wan's some wagon, I asked her could I feed the seagulls and she lifted me out of it!

wagon. car or other mode of transport. i'll drive my waggon.

Wanderly Wagon. A much loved Irish children's TV program which ran from 1968 to 1982

Monday, 6 February 2012

Snow scenes from Céreste

Post from the LongSufferingHusband

On the morning of the big snow storm it was my turn to feed the horses, so I headed out with the camera while it was still snowing heavily and took these. (don't worry I fed the horses too...eventually)

...and then legged it back to Céreste to get photos in the old town section.

Unfortunately many of the photos I took that morning were lost due to a card failure, so I had no choice but to get up the next morning and walk up the Gardette to try to catch the sunrise over the hills :-) . The Gardette is a steep climb, made all the more difficult by the snow, but the views are stunning. One thing I did not expect was the volume of animal tracks in the virgin snow. During the whole two hour walk there were constant animal tracks of all different shapes and sizes.

For the photographers: The last three shots were taken with a 24mm T/S lens with multiple photos merged into one. 


  1. Beautiful photos George

  2. Fabulous photos - Flurry looks stunning. Debbie

  3. Great photos very nice to see, you are good with a camera.

  4. The photos are superb!

    We really enjoyed them!

  5. A Flurry of snow!! What could be more beautiful, congrats George they are stunning photographs, especially the ones of Flurry and the last one.

  6. Great Pictures George, quite the Artist :)


  7. Ehhh lads, that's not Flurry! It's one of Fani's ponies :)
    Thanks 4 all the nice comments tho!

  8. Oh to have snow instead of rain and mud!

  9. Some fantastic shots. The town/village looks beautiful.
