
From :

Wagon. A cranky contary female / an ugly female. She\'s some wagon eh?

wagon. wagon - an awful woman. than one is such a wagon!

wagon. a woman thats a bitch. dat ones a right wagon.

Wagon. A cantankerous old woman.. Yer wan's some wagon, I asked her could I feed the seagulls and she lifted me out of it!

wagon. car or other mode of transport. i'll drive my waggon.

Wanderly Wagon. A much loved Irish children's TV program which ran from 1968 to 1982

Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday Weather Watch

Wow, at first glance, it seems like I've got these the wrong way around!  But no, Cereste has had steady rain since Wednesday, and it looks set to continue for another few days.

Meanwhile, in Cork, we had one of those Atlantic storms I go on about on Tuesday/Wednesday.  It wasn't too bad, we didn't lose any trees but one of the sheds lost part of its roofing felt.  I'll have to sort it out somehow before the next belt of rain hits!

With all of this sunshine forecast in Cork for the next few days, I'm hoping the ground will dry out enough for me to get a couple of loads of stone delivered and spread.  The horses need a bigger hard standing area, and it's really hard to get a wheelbarrow through the sludge that used to be a paddock, so I'd like to get some sort of a pathway laid if at all possible.

This is the first time I've ever kept horses out this late in the year, and it's a learning experience.  I'm planning on doing a lot more preparation next summer,  with my ultimate aim being to make a "paddock paradise" style track system around the perimeter.  With a twelve foot depth of top-soil, I'll have to do quite a bit of work to make sure there are a couple of "hard" areas for the horses.

Plans for today?  Denis and Anne are going to hack out in the sunshine and I'm heading off to Skevanish for my Wednesday lesson which had to be moved due to my brakes failing last weekend.

We're also hoping to get out for a longer hack over the weekend to make the most of this sunshine while it lasts.  Let's hope the forecast is right!


  1. But think of all the vegetable patches you can make out of that topsoil!

  2. Anne and I had a lovely relaxed hack to Ballinhassig on Friday. Paddy worked up a bit of a November!
